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Keeping the Air You Breathe in Your 首页 Clean for Healthier Living


Many of us spend a lot of time indoors, 是否在家, 在学校, at work or even in our automobiles. We want to assume that the air we are breathing is clean. But, did you know, that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air? 这是真的,根据 http://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/introduction-indoor-air-quality.

Indoor air pollution is among the top five environmental health risks according to the EPA. Bad indoor can put you at risk for serious health problems. Some indoor air pollutants are chemicals and gases, others are mildews and molds and others are and living organisms like pests. These sources of indoor air pollution create symptoms of sore eyes, burning in the nose and throat, 头痛, 打喷嚏和疲劳. They can worsen existing allergies, respiratory illnesses (such as asthma), 心脏病, cancer and other serious long-term conditions, 太.

High temperatures and humidity levels, like we’ve experienced all summer here in El Paso and Las Cruces, can also increase concentrations of some pollutants. The air where you live or frequent needs to be cleaned regularly!

There are some things you can do yourself to protect you and your family and improve your indoor air quality. Usually the best way to address this risk is to control or eliminate the sources of pollutants. Here’s how Total Air suggests you do just that:

  1. Install an air cleaner with your HVAC system.
    Some air cleaning devices are designed to be installed with ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system to clean the air in the whole house. 其他人, like portable room air cleaners, can be used to clean the air in a single room or specific areas. 这两个工作, but portable air cleaners do not work with the whole house and are not as effective as built in air cleaners. Total Air can help you research the best air cleaners to install with your heating and cooling equipment to maintain a healthier home.
  1. Regularly change your air filters.
    While this sounds like a simple task, it is not done as often as it should be. Some excuses are we just simply forget to pick them up when we are at the store. Total Air有一个解决方案! 现在, we’re offering a lifetime of furnace filters free if you buy a complete new system from us. 我们不会交付10个,同时使用000个过滤器, but we’ll make a years-worth available to you at a time from our office. And they’re FREE if you buy a heating and cooling system from Total Air. Learn more about this valuable and convenient offer here: http://kuqtrn.xoxozerol.net/blog/free-air-filters-for-life
  1. Consistently clean, dust and vacuum your home.
    Keeping your home clean and vacuumed is more than half the battle. It helps rid your living spaces of dirt, dust and other allergens and pollutants that cause breathing problems, 尤其是老年人, 哮喘患者和儿童.
  1. 保养你的管道.
    The American Lung Association suggests cleaning your ducts every 5 to 10 years as a best way to keep harsh chemicals and pollutants from settling in the home through the ductwork. If you have ducts that leak or have big open holes (and you’ll know this especially if you have high utility bills), 把它们密封起来. A Total Air inspection of the ductwork comes with every new system. We’ll make a best recommendation for healthier ducts.
  1. Some common sense is to not smoke in your house.
    Tobacco smoke is among the most harmful chemicals in our culture and can easily and immediately infect your air (and lungs) and those of anyone who lives with you. If you love your family, especially your children, don’t smoke indoors.
  1. 最后,通风.
    Occasionally opening the windows to let fresh air in for even just a few minutes will immediately freshen up your living space and thin out the bad air. Do this every day and you’ll enjoy cleaner indoor air.

Want proof of the crud in your air? Next time you change your air filter, see just how much stuff there is in there. That is what your family is breathing in.

For a free new system estimate, call the professionals at Total Air. We’ll recommend a good air cleaner to complement your new heating and cooling system. Schedule at 915-585-0909 and buy today to get FREE FURNACE FILTERS FOR THE LIFETIME OF YOUR NEW SYSTEM.




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